* Copyright (C) 2011 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.codehaus.gmavenplus.mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.codehaus.gmavenplus.model.IncludeClasspath;
import org.codehaus.gmavenplus.model.internal.Version;
import java.io.File;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.security.CodeSource;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.ReflectionUtils.findConstructor;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethod;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeConstructor;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod;
* The base compile mojo, which all compile mojos extend.
* @author Keegan Witt
* @since 1.0-beta-1
public abstract class AbstractCompileMojo extends AbstractGroovySourcesMojo {
* Groovy 5.0.0-alpha-1 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_5_0_0_ALPHA1 = new Version(5, 0, 0, "alpha-1");
* Groovy 4.0.11 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_4_0_21 = new Version(4, 0, 21);
* Groovy 4.0.11 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_4_0_16 = new Version(4, 0, 16);
* Groovy 4.0.11 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_4_0_11 = new Version(4, 0, 11);
* Groovy 4.0.6 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_4_0_6 = new Version(4, 0, 6);
* Groovy 4.0.2 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_4_0_2 = new Version(4, 0, 2);
* Groovy 4.0.0 beta-1 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_4_0_0_BETA1 = new Version(4, 0, 0, "beta-1");
* Groovy 4.0.0 alpha-3 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_4_0_0_ALPHA3 = new Version(4, 0, 0, "alpha-3");
* Groovy 4.0.0 alpha-1 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_4_0_0_ALPHA1 = new Version(4, 0, 0, "alpha-1");
* Groovy 3.0.8 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_3_0_8 = new Version(3, 0, 8);
* Groovy 3.0.6 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_3_0_6 = new Version(3, 0, 6);
* Groovy 3.0.5 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_3_0_5 = new Version(3, 0, 5);
* Groovy 3.0.3 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_3_0_3 = new Version(3, 0, 3);
* Groovy 3.0.0 beta-2 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_3_0_0_BETA2 = new Version(3, 0, 0, "beta-2");
* Groovy 3.0.0 beta-1 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_3_0_0_BETA1 = new Version(3, 0, 0, "beta-1");
* Groovy 3.0.0 alpha-4 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_3_0_0_ALPHA4 = new Version(3, 0, 0, "alpha-4");
* Groovy 3.0.0 alpha-2 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_3_0_0_ALPHA2 = new Version(3, 0, 0, "alpha-2");
* Groovy 3.0.0 alpha-1 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_3_0_0_ALPHA1 = new Version(3, 0, 0, "alpha-1");
* Groovy 2.6.0 alpha-4 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_2_6_0_ALPHA4 = new Version(2, 6, 0, "alpha-4");
* Groovy 2.6.0 alpha-1 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_2_6_0_ALPHA1 = new Version(2, 6, 0, "alpha-1");
* Groovy 2.5.7 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_2_5_7 = new Version(2, 5, 7);
* Groovy 2.5.3 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_2_5_3 = new Version(2, 5, 3);
* Groovy 2.5.0 alpha-1 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_2_5_0_ALPHA1 = new Version(2, 5, 0, "alpha-1");
* Groovy 2.3.3 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_2_3_3 = new Version(2, 3, 3);
* Groovy 2.1.3 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_2_1_3 = new Version(2, 1, 3);
* Groovy 2.1.0 beta-1 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_2_1_0_BETA1 = new Version(2, 1, 0, "beta-1");
* Groovy 2.0.0 beta-3 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_2_0_0_BETA3 = new Version(2, 0, 0, "beta-3");
* Groovy 1.6.0 version.
protected static final Version GROOVY_1_6_0 = new Version(1, 6, 0);
* The encoding of source files.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.build.sourceEncoding}")
protected String sourceEncoding;
* The Groovy compiler bytecode compatibility. One of
* <ul>
* <li>1.4 (or 4)</li>
* <li>1.5 (or 5)</li>
* <li>1.6 (or 6)</li>
* <li>1.7 (or 7)</li>
* <li>1.8 (or 8)</li>
* <li>9 (or 1.9)</li>
* <li>10</li>
* <li>11</li>
* <li>12</li>
* <li>13</li>
* <li>14</li>
* <li>15</li>
* <li>16</li>
* <li>17</li>
* <li>18</li>
* <li>19</li>
* <li>20</li>
* <li>21</li>
* <li>22</li>
* <li>23</li>
* </ul>
* Using 1.6 (or 6) or 1.7 (or 7) requires Groovy >= 2.1.3.
* Using 1.8 (or 8) requires Groovy >= 2.3.3.
* Using 9 (or 1.9) requires Groovy >= 2.5.3, or Groovy >= 2.6.0 alpha 4, or Groovy >= 3.0.0 alpha 2.
* Using 9 (or 1.9) with invokedynamic requires Groovy >= 2.5.3, or Groovy >= 3.0.0 alpha 2, but not any 2.6 versions.
* Using 10, 11, or 12 requires Groovy >= 2.5.3, or Groovy >= 3.0.0 alpha 4, but not any 2.6 versions.
* Using 13 requires Groovy >= 2.5.7, or Groovy >= 3.0.0-beta-1, but not any 2.6 versions.
* Using 14 requires Groovy >= 3.0.0 beta-2.
* Using 15 requires Groovy >= 3.0.3.
* Using 16 requires Groovy >= 3.0.6.
* Using 17 requires Groovy >= 3.0.8 or Groovy > 4.0.0-alpha-3.
* Using 18 requires Groovy > 4.0.0-beta-1.
* Using 19 requires Groovy > 4.0.2.
* Using 20 requires Groovy > 4.0.6.
* Using 21 requires Groovy > 4.0.11.
* Using 22 requires Groovy > 4.0.16.
* Using 23 requires Groovy > 4.0.21.
@Parameter(property = "maven.compiler.target", defaultValue = "1.8")
protected String targetBytecode;
* Whether to check that the version of Groovy used is able to use the requested <code>targetBytecode</code>.
* @since 1.9.0
@Parameter(property = "skipBytecodeCheck", defaultValue = "false")
protected boolean skipBytecodeCheck;
* Whether Groovy compiler should be set to debug.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
protected boolean debug;
* Whether Groovy compiler should be set to verbose.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
protected boolean verbose;
* Groovy compiler warning level. Should be one of:
* <dl>
* <dt>0</dt>
* <dd>None</dd>
* <dt>1</dt>
* <dd>Likely Errors</dd>
* <dt>2</dt>
* <dd>Possible Errors</dd>
* <dt>3</dt>
* <dd>Paranoia</dd>
* </dl>
@Parameter(defaultValue = "1")
protected int warningLevel;
* Groovy compiler error tolerance (the number of non-fatal errors (per unit) that should be tolerated before compilation is aborted).
@Parameter(defaultValue = "0")
protected int tolerance;
* Whether to support invokeDynamic (requires Java 7 or greater and Groovy indy 2.0.0-beta-3 or greater).
* Has no effect for Groovy 4, as it is always enabled.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
protected boolean invokeDynamic;
* Whether to enable Groovy's parallel parsing. Requires Groovy 3.0.5.
* Is enabled by default for Groovy 4.0.0-alpha-1 or newer.
* @since 1.11.0
protected Boolean parallelParsing = null;
* A <a href="http://groovy-lang.org/dsls.html#compilation-customizers">script</a> for tweaking the configuration options
* (requires Groovy 2.1.0-beta-1 or greater). Note that its encoding must match your source encoding.
protected File configScript;
* Generate metadata for reflection on method parameter names using the functionality provided by JEP 118
* (requires Java 8 or greater and Groovy 2.5.0-alpha-1 or greater).
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
protected boolean parameters;
* What classpath to include. One of
* <ul>
* <li>PROJECT_ONLY</li>
* <li>PLUGIN_ONLY</li>
* </ul>
* Uses the same scope as the required dependency resolution of this mojo. Use only if you know what you're doing.
* @since 1.8.0
@Parameter(defaultValue = "PROJECT_ONLY")
protected IncludeClasspath includeClasspath;
* Whether the bytecode version has preview features enabled (JEP 12).
* Requires Groovy >= 3.0.0-beta-1 or Groovy >= 2.5.7, but not any 2.6 versions and Java >= 12.
* @since 1.7.1
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
protected boolean previewFeatures;
* Performs compilation of compile mojos.
* @param sources the sources to compile
* @param classpath the classpath to use for compilation
* @param compileOutputDirectory the directory to write the compiled class files to
* @throws ClassNotFoundException when a class needed for compilation cannot be found
* @throws InstantiationException when a class needed for compilation cannot be instantiated
* @throws IllegalAccessException when a method needed for compilation cannot be accessed
* @throws InvocationTargetException when a reflection invocation needed for compilation cannot be completed
* @throws MalformedURLException when a classpath element provides a malformed URL
protected synchronized void doCompile(final Set<File> sources, final List classpath, final File compileOutputDirectory)
throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, MalformedURLException {
if (sources == null || sources.isEmpty()) {
getLog().info("No sources specified for compilation. Skipping.");
setupClassWrangler(classpath, includeClasspath);
if (!groovyVersionSupportsAction()) {
getLog().error("Your Groovy version (" + classWrangler.getGroovyVersionString() + ") doesn't support compilation. The minimum version of Groovy required is " + minGroovyVersion + ". Skipping compiling.");
if (!skipBytecodeCheck) {
// get classes we need with reflection
Class<?> compilerConfigurationClass = classWrangler.getClass("org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration");
Class<?> compilationUnitClass = classWrangler.getClass("org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit");
Class<?> groovyClassLoaderClass = classWrangler.getClass("groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader");
// setup compile options
Object compilerConfiguration = setupCompilerConfiguration(compileOutputDirectory, compilerConfigurationClass);
Object groovyClassLoader = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(groovyClassLoaderClass, ClassLoader.class, compilerConfigurationClass), classWrangler.getClassLoader(), compilerConfiguration);
Object transformLoader = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(groovyClassLoaderClass, ClassLoader.class), classWrangler.getClassLoader());
// add Groovy sources
Object compilationUnit = setupCompilationUnit(sources, compilerConfigurationClass, compilationUnitClass, groovyClassLoaderClass, compilerConfiguration, groovyClassLoader, transformLoader);
// compile the classes
invokeMethod(findMethod(compilationUnitClass, "compile"), compilationUnit);
// log compiled classes
List classes = (List) invokeMethod(findMethod(compilationUnitClass, "getClasses"), compilationUnit);
getLog().info("Compiled " + classes.size() + " file" + (classes.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + ".");
* Sets up the CompilationUnit to use for compilation.
* @param sources the sources to compile
* @param compilerConfigurationClass the CompilerConfiguration class
* @param compilationUnitClass the CompilationUnit class
* @param groovyClassLoaderClass the GroovyClassLoader class
* @param compilerConfiguration the CompilerConfiguration
* @param groovyClassLoader the GroovyClassLoader
* @param transformLoader the GroovyClassLoader to use for transformation
* @return the CompilationUnit
* @throws InstantiationException when a class needed for setting up compilation unit cannot be instantiated
* @throws IllegalAccessException when a method needed for setting up compilation unit cannot be accessed
* @throws InvocationTargetException when a reflection invocation needed for setting up compilation unit cannot be completed
protected Object setupCompilationUnit(final Set<File> sources, final Class<?> compilerConfigurationClass, final Class<?> compilationUnitClass, final Class<?> groovyClassLoaderClass, final Object compilerConfiguration, final Object groovyClassLoader, final Object transformLoader) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
Object compilationUnit;
if (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_1_6_0)) {
compilationUnit = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(compilationUnitClass, compilerConfigurationClass, CodeSource.class, groovyClassLoaderClass, groovyClassLoaderClass), compilerConfiguration, null, groovyClassLoader, transformLoader);
} else {
compilationUnit = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(compilationUnitClass, compilerConfigurationClass, CodeSource.class, groovyClassLoaderClass), compilerConfiguration, null, groovyClassLoader);
getLog().debug("Adding Groovy to compile:");
Method addSourceMethod = findMethod(compilationUnitClass, "addSource", File.class);
for (File source : sources) {
getLog().debug(" " + source);
invokeMethod(addSourceMethod, compilationUnit, source);
return compilationUnit;
* Sets up the CompilationConfiguration to use for compilation.
* @param compileOutputDirectory the directory to write the compiled classes to
* @param compilerConfigurationClass the CompilerConfiguration class
* @return the CompilerConfiguration
* @throws ClassNotFoundException when a class needed for setting up CompilerConfiguration cannot be found
* @throws InstantiationException when a class needed for setting up CompilerConfiguration cannot be instantiated
* @throws IllegalAccessException when a method needed for setting up CompilerConfiguration cannot be accessed
* @throws InvocationTargetException when a reflection invocation needed for setting up CompilerConfiguration cannot be completed
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
protected Object setupCompilerConfiguration(final File compileOutputDirectory, final Class<?> compilerConfigurationClass) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException {
Object compilerConfiguration = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(compilerConfigurationClass));
if (configScript != null) {
if (!configScript.exists()) {
getLog().warn("Configuration script file (" + configScript.getAbsolutePath() + ") doesn't exist. Ignoring configScript parameter.");
} else if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_2_1_0_BETA1)) {
getLog().warn("Requested to use configScript, but your Groovy version (" + classWrangler.getGroovyVersionString() + ") doesn't support it (must be " + GROOVY_2_1_0_BETA1 + " or newer). Ignoring configScript parameter.");
} else {
Class<?> bindingClass = classWrangler.getClass("groovy.lang.Binding");
Class<?> importCustomizerClass = classWrangler.getClass("org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.ImportCustomizer");
Class<?> groovyShellClass = classWrangler.getClass("groovy.lang.GroovyShell");
Object binding = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(bindingClass));
invokeMethod(findMethod(bindingClass, "setVariable", String.class, Object.class), binding, "configuration", compilerConfiguration);
Object shellCompilerConfiguration = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(compilerConfigurationClass));
Object importCustomizer = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(importCustomizerClass));
invokeMethod(findMethod(importCustomizerClass, "addStaticStar", String.class), importCustomizer, "org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.builder.CompilerCustomizationBuilder");
List compilationCustomizers = (List) invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "getCompilationCustomizers"), shellCompilerConfiguration);
Object shell = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(groovyShellClass, ClassLoader.class, bindingClass, compilerConfigurationClass), classWrangler.getClassLoader(), binding, shellCompilerConfiguration);
getLog().debug("Using configuration script " + configScript + " for compilation.");
invokeMethod(findMethod(groovyShellClass, "evaluate", File.class), shell, configScript);
invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "setDebug", boolean.class), compilerConfiguration, debug);
invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "setVerbose", boolean.class), compilerConfiguration, verbose);
invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "setWarningLevel", int.class), compilerConfiguration, warningLevel);
invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "setTolerance", int.class), compilerConfiguration, tolerance);
invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "setTargetBytecode", String.class), compilerConfiguration, translateJavacTargetToTargetBytecode(targetBytecode));
if (previewFeatures) {
if (isJavaSupportPreviewFeatures()) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_2_5_7) || (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_2_6_0_ALPHA1) && groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_3_0_0_BETA1))) {
getLog().warn("Requested to use preview features, but your Groovy version (" + classWrangler.getGroovyVersionString() + ") doesn't support it (must be " + GROOVY_2_5_7 + "/" + GROOVY_3_0_0_BETA1 + " or newer. No 2.6 version is supported. Ignoring previewFeatures parameter.");
} else {
invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "setPreviewFeatures", boolean.class), compilerConfiguration, previewFeatures);
} else {
getLog().warn("Requested to use to use preview features, but your Java version (" + getJavaVersionString() + ") doesn't support it. Ignoring previewFeatures parameter.");
if (sourceEncoding != null) {
invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "setSourceEncoding", String.class), compilerConfiguration, sourceEncoding);
invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "setTargetDirectory", String.class), compilerConfiguration, compileOutputDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
if (invokeDynamic || groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_4_0_0_ALPHA1)) {
if (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_2_0_0_BETA3)) {
if (classWrangler.isGroovyIndy()) {
if (isJavaSupportIndy()) {
Map<String, Boolean> optimizationOptions = (Map<String, Boolean>) invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "getOptimizationOptions"), compilerConfiguration);
optimizationOptions.put("indy", true);
optimizationOptions.put("int", false);
getLog().info("invokedynamic enabled.");
} else {
getLog().warn("Requested to use to use invokedynamic, but your Java version (" + getJavaVersionString() + ") doesn't support it. Ignoring invokeDynamic parameter.");
} else {
getLog().warn("Requested to use invokedynamic, but your Groovy version doesn't support it (must use have indy classifier). Ignoring invokeDynamic parameter.");
} else {
getLog().warn("Requested to use invokeDynamic, but your Groovy version (" + classWrangler.getGroovyVersionString() + ") doesn't support it (must be " + GROOVY_2_0_0_BETA3 + " or newer). Ignoring invokeDynamic parameter.");
if (parameters) {
if (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_2_5_0_ALPHA1)) {
if (isJavaSupportParameters()) {
invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "setParameters", boolean.class), compilerConfiguration, parameters);
} else {
getLog().warn("Requested to use to use parameters, but your Java version (" + getJavaVersionString() + ") doesn't support it. Ignoring parameters parameter.");
} else {
getLog().warn("Requested to use parameters, but your Groovy version (" + classWrangler.getGroovyVersionString() + ") doesn't support it (must be " + GROOVY_2_5_0_ALPHA1 + " or newer). Ignoring parameters parameter.");
if (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_3_0_5)) {
if ((parallelParsing == null && groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_4_0_0_ALPHA1)) || (parallelParsing != null && parallelParsing)) {
Map<String, Boolean> optimizationOptions = (Map<String, Boolean>) invokeMethod(findMethod(compilerConfigurationClass, "getOptimizationOptions"), compilerConfiguration);
optimizationOptions.put("parallelParse", true);
getLog().info("Parallel parsing enabled.");
} else {
getLog().info("Parallel parsing disabled.");
return compilerConfiguration;
* Throws an exception if targetBytecode is not supported with this version of Groovy. That is, when Groovy added
* the option to org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration and used it in
* org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.WriterController.
protected void verifyGroovyVersionSupportsTargetBytecode() {
if ("1.5".equals(targetBytecode) || "5".equals(targetBytecode) || "1.6".equals(targetBytecode) || "6".equals(targetBytecode) || "1.7".equals(targetBytecode) || "7".equals(targetBytecode) || "1.8".equals(targetBytecode) || "8".equals(targetBytecode) || "1.9".equals(targetBytecode) || "9".equals(targetBytecode) || "10".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyNewerThan(GROOVY_5_0_0_ALPHA1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " isn't accepted by Groovy " + GROOVY_5_0_0_ALPHA1 + " or newer.");
if ("23".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_4_0_21)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_4_0_21 + " or newer.");
} else if ("22".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_4_0_16)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_4_0_16 + " or newer.");
} else if ("21".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_4_0_11)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_4_0_11 + " or newer.");
} else if ("20".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_4_0_6)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_4_0_6 + " or newer.");
} else if ("19".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_4_0_2)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_4_0_2 + " or newer.");
} else if ("18".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_4_0_0_BETA1)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_4_0_0_BETA1 + " or newer.");
} else if ("17".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_3_0_8) || (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_4_0_0_ALPHA1) && groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_4_0_0_ALPHA3))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_3_0_8 + "/" + GROOVY_4_0_0_ALPHA3 + " or newer.");
} else if ("16".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_3_0_6)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_3_0_6 + " or newer.");
} else if ("15".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_3_0_3)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_3_0_3 + " or newer.");
} else if ("14".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_3_0_0_BETA2)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_3_0_0_BETA2 + " or newer.");
} else if ("13".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_2_5_7) || (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_2_6_0_ALPHA1) && groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_3_0_0_BETA1))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_2_5_7 + "/" + GROOVY_3_0_0_BETA1 + " or newer. No 2.6 version is supported.");
} else if ("12".equals(targetBytecode) || "11".equals(targetBytecode) || "10".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_2_5_3) || (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_2_6_0_ALPHA1) && groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_3_0_0_ALPHA4))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_2_5_3 + "/" + GROOVY_3_0_0_ALPHA4 + " or newer. No 2.6 version is supported.");
} else if ("9".equals(targetBytecode) || "1.9".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (!isGroovyIndy() && (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_2_5_3)
|| (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_2_6_0_ALPHA1) && groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_2_6_0_ALPHA4))
|| (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_3_0_0_ALPHA1) && groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_3_0_0_ALPHA2)))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_2_5_3 + "/" + GROOVY_2_6_0_ALPHA4 + "/" + GROOVY_3_0_0_ALPHA2 + " or newer.");
} else if (isGroovyIndy() && (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_2_5_3) || (groovyAtLeast(GROOVY_2_6_0_ALPHA1) && groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_3_0_0_ALPHA4)))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_2_5_3 + "/" + GROOVY_3_0_0_ALPHA4 + " or newer. No 2.6 version is supported.");
} else if ("8".equals(targetBytecode) || "1.8".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_2_3_3)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_2_3_3 + " or newer.");
} else if ("7".equals(targetBytecode) || "1.7".equals(targetBytecode) || "6".equals(targetBytecode) || "1.6".equals(targetBytecode)) {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_2_1_3)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target bytecode " + targetBytecode + " requires Groovy " + GROOVY_2_1_3 + " or newer.");
} else if (!"5".equals(targetBytecode) && !"1.5".equals(targetBytecode) && !"4".equals(targetBytecode) && !"1.4".equals(targetBytecode)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized target bytecode: '" + targetBytecode + "'. This check can be skipped with 'skipBytecodeCheck', but this may result in a different target bytecode being used.");
protected static String translateJavacTargetToTargetBytecode(String targetBytecode) {
Map<String, String> javacTargetToTargetBytecode = new HashMap<>();
javacTargetToTargetBytecode.put("5", "1.5");
javacTargetToTargetBytecode.put("6", "1.6");
javacTargetToTargetBytecode.put("7", "1.7");
javacTargetToTargetBytecode.put("8", "1.8");
javacTargetToTargetBytecode.put("1.9", "9");
return javacTargetToTargetBytecode.getOrDefault(targetBytecode, targetBytecode);