* Copyright 2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.codehaus.gmavenplus.mojo;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.NoExitSecurityManager;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.mojo.ExecuteMojo.GROOVY_4_0_0_RC_1;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.ReflectionUtils.findConstructor;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.ReflectionUtils.findField;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.ReflectionUtils.findMethod;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.ReflectionUtils.getField;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeConstructor;
import static org.codehaus.gmavenplus.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod;
* Launches a Groovy console window bound to the current project.
* Note that this mojo requires Groovy >= 1.5.0.
* Note that it references the plugin classloader to pull in dependencies Groovy didn't include
* (for things like Ant for AntBuilder, Ivy for @grab, and Jansi for Groovysh).
* Note that using the <code>ant</code> property requires Java 8, as the included Ant version was compiled for Java 8.
* @author Keegan Witt
* @since 1.1
@Mojo(name = "console", requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.TEST)
public class ConsoleMojo extends AbstractToolsMojo {
* Script file to load into console. Can also be a project property referring to a file.
* @since 1.10.1
@Parameter(property = "consoleScript")
protected String consoleScript;
* Executes this mojo.
* @throws MojoExecutionException If an unexpected problem occurs (causes a "BUILD ERROR" message to be displayed)
* @throws MojoFailureException If unable to await console exit
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
try {
setupClassWrangler(project.getTestClasspathElements(), includeClasspath);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to add project test dependencies to classpath.", e);
} catch (DependencyResolutionRequiredException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Test dependencies weren't resolved.", e);
try {
getLog().debug("Project test classpath:\n" + project.getTestClasspathElements());
} catch (DependencyResolutionRequiredException e) {
getLog().debug("Unable to log project test classpath");
if (!groovyVersionSupportsAction()) {
getLog().error("Your Groovy version (" + classWrangler.getGroovyVersionString() + ") doesn't support running a console. The minimum version of Groovy required is " + minGroovyVersion + ". Skipping console startup.");
final SecurityManager defaultSecurityManager = System.getSecurityManager();
try {
if (!allowSystemExits) {
getLog().warn("JEP 411 deprecated Security Manager in Java 17 for removal. Therefore `allowSystemExits` is also deprecated for removal.");
try {
System.setSecurityManager(new NoExitSecurityManager());
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
getLog().warn("Attempted to use Security Manager in a JVM where it's disabled by default. You might try `` to override this.");
// get classes we need with reflection
Class<?> consoleClass;
try {
consoleClass = classWrangler.getClass("groovy.console.ui.Console");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
consoleClass = classWrangler.getClass("groovy.ui.Console");
Class<?> bindingClass = classWrangler.getClass("groovy.lang.Binding");
// create console to run
Object console = setupConsole(consoleClass, bindingClass);
// run the console
invokeMethod(findMethod(consoleClass, "run"), console);
// TODO: for some reason instantiating AntBuilder before calling run() causes its stdout and stderr streams to not be captured by the Console
bindAntBuilder(consoleClass, bindingClass, console);
// open script file
loadScript(consoleClass, console);
// wait for console to be closed
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to get a Groovy class from classpath (" + e.getMessage() + "). Do you have Groovy as a compile dependency in your project or the plugin?", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof NoClassDefFoundError && "org/apache/ivy/core/report/ResolveReport".equals(e.getCause().getMessage())) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Groovy 1.7.6 and 1.7.7 have a dependency on Ivy to run the console. Either change your Groovy version or add Ivy as a project or plugin dependency.", e);
} else {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Error occurred while calling a method on a Groovy class from classpath.", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to access a method on a Groovy class from classpath.", e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("Error occurred while instantiating a Groovy class from classpath.", e);
} finally {
if (!allowSystemExits) {
try {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
getLog().warn("Attempted to use Security Manager in a JVM where it's disabled by default. You might try `` to override this.");
protected void loadScript(Class<?> consoleClass, Object console) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
if (consoleScript != null) {
Method loadScriptFile = findMethod(consoleClass, "loadScriptFile", File.class);
File consoleScriptFile = new File(consoleScript);
if (consoleScriptFile.isFile()) {
invokeMethod(loadScriptFile, console, consoleScriptFile);
} else if (project.getProperties().containsKey(consoleScript)) {
consoleScriptFile = new File(project.getProperties().getProperty(consoleScript));
if (consoleScriptFile.isFile()) {
invokeMethod(loadScriptFile, console, consoleScriptFile);
} else {
getLog().warn("consoleScript ('" + consoleScript + "') doesn't exist in project properties or as a file.");
} else {
getLog().warn("consoleScript ('" + consoleScript + "') doesn't exist in project properties or as a file.");
* Instantiates a groovy.ui.Console object.
* @param consoleClass the groovy.ui.Console class to use
* @param bindingClass the groovy.lang.Binding class to use
* @return a new groovy.ui.Console object
* @throws InvocationTargetException when a reflection invocation needed for instantiating a console object cannot be completed
* @throws IllegalAccessException when a method needed for instantiating a console object cannot be accessed
* @throws InstantiationException when a class needed for instantiating a console object cannot be instantiated
protected Object setupConsole(final Class<?> consoleClass, final Class<?> bindingClass) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
Object binding = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(bindingClass));
Method setVariable = findMethod(bindingClass, "setVariable", String.class, Object.class);
if (bindPropertiesToSeparateVariables) {
for (Object k : properties.keySet()) {
invokeMethod(setVariable, binding, k, properties.get(k));
} else {
if (groovyOlderThan(GROOVY_4_0_0_RC_1)) {
invokeMethod(setVariable, binding, "properties", properties);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("properties is a read-only property in Groovy " + GROOVY_4_0_0_RC_1 + " and later.");
return invokeConstructor(findConstructor(consoleClass, ClassLoader.class, bindingClass), classWrangler.getClassLoader(), binding);
* Binds a new AntBuilder to the project properties.
* @param consoleClass the groovy.ui.Console class to use
* @param bindingClass the groovy.lang.Binding class to use
* @param console the groovy.ui.Console object to use
* @throws ClassNotFoundException when a class needed for binding an AntBuilder object cannot be found
* @throws IllegalAccessException when a method needed for binding an AntBuilder object cannot be accessed
* @throws InvocationTargetException when a reflection invocation needed for binding an AntBuilder object cannot be completed
protected void bindAntBuilder(Class<?> consoleClass, Class<?> bindingClass, Object console) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
if (properties.containsKey("ant")) {
Class<?> groovyShellClass = classWrangler.getClass("groovy.lang.GroovyShell");
Object shell = getField(findField(consoleClass, "shell", groovyShellClass), console);
Object binding = invokeMethod(findMethod(groovyShellClass, "getContext"), shell);
Object antBuilder = null;
try {
antBuilder = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(classWrangler.getClass("groovy.ant.AntBuilder")));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) {
getLog().debug("groovy.ant.AntBuilder not available, trying groovy.util.AntBuilder.");
try {
antBuilder = invokeConstructor(findConstructor(classWrangler.getClass("groovy.util.AntBuilder")));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException e2) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException e) {
if (antBuilder != null) {
if (bindPropertiesToSeparateVariables) {
invokeMethod(findMethod(bindingClass, "setVariable", String.class, Object.class), binding, "ant", antBuilder);
} else {
properties.put("ant", antBuilder);
* Waits for the console in use to be closed.
* @throws MojoFailureException if the execution was interrupted while running or it was unable to find the console thread to wait on
protected void waitForConsoleClose() throws MojoFailureException {
Set<Thread> threadSet = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet();
Thread[] threadArray = threadSet.toArray(new Thread[0]);
Thread consoleThread = null;
for (Thread thread : threadArray) {
if ("AWT-Shutdown".equals(thread.getName())) {
consoleThread = thread;
if (consoleThread != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new MojoFailureException("Mojo interrupted while waiting for Console thread to end.", e);
} else {
throw new MojoFailureException("Unable to locate Console thread to wait on.");