Class ExecuteMojo

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.maven.plugin.ContextEnabled, org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo

@Mojo(name="execute", requiresDependencyResolution=TEST, threadSafe=true) public class ExecuteMojo extends AbstractToolsMojo
Executes Groovy scripts (in the pom or external), bound to the current project. Note that this mojo requires Groovy >= 1.5.0. Note that it references the plugin classloader to pull in dependencies Groovy didn't include (for things like Ant for AntBuilder, Ivy for @grab, and Jansi for Groovysh).
Keegan Witt
  • Field Details

    • GROOVY_4_0_0_RC_1

      protected static final Version GROOVY_4_0_0_RC_1
      Groovy 4.0.0-RC-1 version.
    • GROOVY_1_7_0

      protected static final Version GROOVY_1_7_0
      Groovy 1.7.0 version.
    • scripts

      @Parameter(required=true) protected String[] scripts
      Groovy scripts to run (in order). Can be a script body, a URL to a script (local or remote), or a filename.
    • continueExecuting

      @Parameter(defaultValue="false") protected boolean continueExecuting
      Whether to continue executing remaining scripts when a script fails.
    • sourceEncoding

      @Parameter(defaultValue="${}") protected String sourceEncoding
      The encoding of script files.
    • skipScriptExecution

      @Parameter(defaultValue="false") protected boolean skipScriptExecution
      Flag to allow script execution to be skipped.
  • Constructor Details

    • ExecuteMojo

      public ExecuteMojo()
  • Method Details

    • execute

      public void execute() throws org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException
      Executes this mojo.
      org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException - If an unexpected problem occurs (causes a "BUILD ERROR" message to be displayed)
    • doExecute

      protected void doExecute() throws org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException
      Does the actual execution.
      org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException - If an unexpected problem occurs (causes a "BUILD ERROR" message to be displayed)
    • setupShell

      Instantiates a new groovy.lang.GroovyShell object.
      groovyShellClass - the groovy.lang.GroovyShell class
      a new groovy.lang.GroovyShell object
      InvocationTargetException - when a reflection invocation needed for shell configuration cannot be completed
      IllegalAccessException - when a method needed for shell configuration cannot be accessed
      InstantiationException - when a class needed for shell configuration cannot be instantiated
      ClassNotFoundException - when a class needed for shell configuration cannot be found
    • executeScripts

      protected void executeScripts(Class<?> groovyShellClass, Object shell) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException
      Executes the configured scripts.
      groovyShellClass - the groovy.lang.GroovyShell class
      shell - a groovy.lag.GroovyShell object
      InvocationTargetException - when a reflection invocation needed for script execution cannot be completed
      IllegalAccessException - when a method needed for script execution cannot be accessed
      org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException - when an exception occurred during script execution (causes a "BUILD ERROR" message to be displayed)
    • executeScriptFromUrl

      protected void executeScriptFromUrl(Class<?> groovyShellClass, Object shell, String script) throws IOException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException
      Executes a script at a URL location.
      groovyShellClass - the GroovyShell class
      shell - a groovy.lag.GroovyShell object
      script - the script URL to execute
      IOException - when the stream can't be opened on the URL
      InvocationTargetException - when a reflection invocation needed for script execution cannot be completed
      IllegalAccessException - when a method needed for script execution cannot be accessed