Package org.codehaus.gmavenplus.mojo
package org.codehaus.gmavenplus.mojo
Maven mojos.
ClassesClassDescriptionThe base compile mojo, which all compile mojos extend.The base generate stubs mojo, which all generate stubs mojos extend.The base GroovyDoc mojo, which all GroovyDoc mojos extend.The base mojo class, which all other mojos extend.This mojo provides access to the Groovy sources.This mojo provides access to the Groovy sources (including stubs).The base tools mojo, which all tool mojos extend.This mojo adds Groovy sources to the project's sources.Adds Groovy stubs directory back to Maven's list of source directories.This mojo adds Groovy test sources to the project's test sources.Adds Groovy test stubs directory back to Maven's list of test source directories.Compiles the main sources.Compiles the test sources.Launches a Groovy console window bound to the current project.Executes Groovy scripts (in the pom or external), bound to the current project.Generates stubs for the main Groovy sources and adds them to Maven's sources for the Maven compiler plugin to find.Generates stubs for the test Groovy sources and adds them to Maven's test sources for the Maven compiler plugin to find.Create a GroovyDoc jar for the main sources.Generates GroovyDoc for the main sources.Create a GroovyDoc jar for the test sources.Generates GroovyDoc for the test sources.This mojo removes Groovy stubs from the project's sources.This mojo removes Groovy test stubs from the project's sources.Launches a Groovy shell bound to the current project.