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The scriptpath is a path where GMaven will search for additional Groovy sources to resolve when executing a Groovy script.

This configuration applies to all goals. This means that you can access your external script via the console and shell goals as well as execute.


For example if you have a class named Helper defined in a file named ${project.basedir}/src/main/script/Helper.groovy your scripts can use that class if you configure the script path to include ${project.basedir}/src/main/script:

          import Helper
          def h = new Helper()


Additionally if using a file-based source configuration, GMaven will automatically look for matching classes nexus to the source file.

So if you had a ${project.basedir}/src/main/script/Main.groovy with something like:

import Helper
def h = new Helper()

… then this configuration would be sufficent to allow the source file script to access to ${project.basedir}/src/main/script/Helper.groovy script:



Configure the scriptpath property on the mvn command-line with a comma seperated list of entries:

mvn -Dscriptpath=dir1,dir2,dir3